Monastery of the Sierra del Pilar

Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, Portugal

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The initial project was directed by Diogo de Castilho and João de Ruão, and the beginning of its construction took place in 1538, ending in 1670, with the conclusion of the church of Nossa Senhora do Pilar. In the beginning, by order of King João III, the Reformador of Santa Cruz de Coimbra and the Prior-Dom D. Bento de Abrantes, the monastery was created with the intention of hosting the Friars Augustins of the Monastery of Grijó

Later, during the Civil War of 1832-1834, the liberal army settled in the monastery, defending its troops that were besieged in the city of the Port. Fruit of the violence of the war, and of the constant attacks that suffered, the monastery was in a deplorable state of ruin and abandonment, until in 1834, with the creation of the Real Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Pillar, and later of the Group of Friends of the Monastery of the Serra do Pilar, in 1925, were recovering the museum.

The Monastery of Serra do Pilar is a historical monument of Gaia.

World Heritage.
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